

New Hire Training

Give your employees, vendors and partners a training platform that’s social, easy, fast and fun. Designed for the 2020 workforce today.


Author, deliver and measure training faster, automate certifications and get the reporting you need.

Talent Development

Give your teams the career ladders they desire with mentoring made easy, fast and fun. With game-like training designed to appeal to Millennials and the rest of us.

Socially Oriented

Socially interactive performance rating for individuals by team members.

PHONIZE is a Complete System for Managers to Level Up Leadership, Skill Building, & Training on a Smartphone or Tablet
with Courses from Industry Experts.


Now, it’s easy for you and your company to create and deliver digital training online or as an app to your staff. The built-in authoring tool makes it simple and is 16x faster than traditional systems. Your teams can easily get training anytime, anywhere in a way that is individualized, intelligent, social, fast and fun.


The PHONIZE platform offers three-minute mini training sessions with feedback, and game-like capabilities for an individual to compete with other team members and earn rewards as progress is made. The solution offers managers a quick and easy way to get reporting on an individual’s progress and compare with other staff performance.

Social with Yu-Kai Chou's Gamification Framework

Employing Octalysis gamification framework created by the world’s top enterprise expert, PHONIZE is designed to optimize engagement and social interaction.

Slide Our Mortgage Industry Clients: Our Mortgage Industry Clients:
“PHONIZE is exciting to us for two primary reasons; one it is a new method to deliver training in a fun, engaging and interactive way and two it provides us with a means to quickly develop, change and provide training to a mobile client base. This is critical now more than ever given the implementation of the new TILA/RESPA integrated disclosure next year.”

—Fidelity National Financial | “…Training and educating our partners in an engaging and measurable platform provides a shorter transition time through the regulatory compliance changes of our industry…”


— First Funding